JL MAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 06-03~06-14
Week 24,2024
1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News
本周稀土市场行情,镨钕、金属钕、镝铁合金以及金属铽价格均出现小幅下跌。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格440-445元/KG;金属钕价格440-450元/KG;镝铁合金价格1810-1830元/KG;金属铽价格7000-7200元/KG。
In the rare earth market this week, the prices of PrNd, Nd, DyFe and Tb metal all fell slightly. Weekend prices on Asian Metal: PrNd metal price is 440-445 RMB/KG; Nd metal price is 440-450 RMB/KG; DyFe alloy price is 1810-1830 RMB/KG; Tb metal price is 7000-7200 RMB/KG.
2. 业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders
The Rare Earth MMI Index (monthly metals index) appeared to have found some stability after six consecutive months of declines, with a brief rebound in May. Overall, the index moved sideways, rising just 2.11%. At the same time, due to the influence of a variety of factors, the price of rare earth elements continues to be driven in both directions.
Issues like ongoing supply concerns, forecasted price increases, and the continued expansion of green energy and electric vehicles have all contributed to this ongoing bullish and bearish pressure. However, China still has large stocks of rare earths due to its abundant rare earth manufacturing industry. There are also widespread global efforts to increase rare earth production outside China. Therefore, many people expect rare earth prices to remain relatively stable in the short term. (Industry Frontier).
3.趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)
June 17th, 2024
Notes: the information above is for reference only!