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    A Share: 300748
    H Share: 06680



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    State Councilor Mr. Wang Yong Visited JLMAG for Research

    State Councilor Mr. Wang Yong visited JLMAG to investigate the reform and development work on December 23, 2021. He pointed out that there are still many risks and challenges next year, calling for better coordination between epidemic prevention and control as well as enterprise reform and development, a steady and sound momentum of enterprise operation, and a better role of the "stabilizer" and "ballast stone" of the national economy.   




    Mr. Wang stressed the importance of ensuring stability and making progress while maintaining stability, focusing on improving quality and efficiency, improving management, safety in production and preventing all kinds of risks, unswervingly strengthening, improving and expanding major industries, and making every effort to ensure the stable operation of production and operations, the steady supply of energy and resources, and the steady flow of industrial and supply chains. We should step up efforts to tackle key and core technologies, actively promote the transformation of digital greening, and constantly foster and strengthen new drivers of development. 

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